Member Rights

As a member of the Fayette-Spalding Cooperative, you:

  • Get one vote at General Meetings and other meetings if you're an Active Member.
  • Will be told about meetings and other important stuff concerning Fayette-Spalding Cooperative.
  • Can join committees to help out with the cooperative's work.
  • Can run for a spot on the Coordinating Committee or lead another committee.
  • Can take part in deciding things directly for Fayette-Spalding Cooperative.
  • Can bring up issues or worries about the group or how it runs.
  • Will get information on how much money we have and other projects with the Fayette-Spalding Cooperative.
  • Can go to Coordinating Committee meetings.

Member Responsibilities

Your responsibilities as a member of the Fayette-Spalding Cooperative you will:

  • Help the Fayette-Spalding Cooperative by going to meetings, voting, asking questions, and saying what you think.
  • Volunteer your time and energy so we can do more things.
  • Follow the rules, agree to this agreement, and be good to others.
  • Use the Fayette-Spalding Cooperative's services and help out when you can.
  • Think about how your choices affect Fayette-Spalding Cooperative and try to make them helpful.
  • Learn more about how the cooperative works so you can be a bigger part of it.
  • Use the chances to learn and grow that Fayette-Spalding Cooperative gives you.
  • Pay membership dues based on what you earn or what you have, so we can use the money towards our shared goals.
  • Share your thoughts when decisions are made. If you don't, we miss out on what you know and think.